The 2019 Conference

Thank you!

For making #EISS2019 the largest and best edition so far!

EISS 2019 took take place at Sciences Po Paris
on June 27th-28th

Scroll-down to see the programme, panel details and partners

Download the PDF programme

Introductory remarks

By Hugo Meijer and Alain Dieckhoff, Sciences Po - CERI.


By Stephen Brooks, Dartmouth College, and Barry Posen, Massachussets Institute of Technology.

© Sciences Po

Sciences Po CERI
28 Rue des Saint-Pères, 75007 Paris

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The programme

© Sciences Po

Panel details

Click to view full screen

Download the PDF programme

Open and closed panels

The EISS Conference features both ‘closed’ and ‘open’ panels.
‘Closed’ panels focus on themes decided by the EISS. Each panel includes four papers and the chair serves as discussant.

‘Open’ panels: participants propose a panel’s title, a chair, and four speakers. The chair serves as discussant. The ‘open panels’ are meant to broaden the range of existing themes in the EISS and to provide greater latitude to the participants to contribute to the definition of the EISS programme.

Selection criteria:
(1) quality and originality of the panel/paper proposal;
(2) multidisciplinarity and/or interdisciplinarity (history, political science, sociology, etc.). The panels should focus on specific themes that can be addressed from a variety of disciplines. N.B. Each panel must also include scholars from disciplines other than political science;
(3) represent different European countries/regions (western, northern, eastern, central, southern Europe), as per participants’ affiliation; (4) and allow for gender diversity.

Universities and Research Centers
represented at the 2019 conference

They supported EISS 2019

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